Feedback 1

Dear ENAD,
THANK YOU very much for all of your hard work.....the play "Collage Torn" 
was well-appreciated. I think that what you all are doing is contributing in 
a unique way to the Bengali community. The issues that the play dealt with 
are relevant and topical to this community and in these times. Your efforts 
in raising questions for people to discuss and think about were successful.

Here are a few thoughts/comments I had about the play:
1. The dialogue in the play was very well written, for the most part.
There was one line which jarred (to me)...when Nikhil says "I can't live 
without you!" seemed too cliched and also strange (given the context of 
the situation) that he would say that in English. The scenes were well 
polished and very well acted.
2. The lighting throughout the entire play was outstanding--it really gave 
texture to the play and let us see into the character's moods. I thought the 
lighting worked extremely well. The parts where there were no words/dialogue 
were extremely powerful and moving. I also particulary liked the end of the 
scene where the real estate agent is handing over the bag of Chinese food 
and there is a pause.
3. The music was very good, but in a few places a bit overdone (one scene in 
particular strikes me--where Nikhil is storming about and there is this 
piano music---it seemed a bit too much like Hollywood cliche "bad guy 
music". But in other scenes the music worked quite well.
4. I thought the plot moved along well and I particularly liked the final 
scene and how the play ended--that was superb. My only criticism of the play 
itself is that I think it ended up addressing lots of issues (which is good) 
but without delving in depth into any of them --there could have been more 
character development and more insight into the main characters. But I also 
think it is very difficut to have so many threads (immigrant issues/women's 
issues/relationships/family) and weave them seamlessly together while still 
exploring these issues in depth. Perhaps a play with fewer characters would 
allow this? I'm not sure how to achieve this.
5. My biggest complaint about this performance was the AUDIENCE!! It made me 
really upset that people would remain in the auditorium with 
talking/screaming children (the fact that someone had to tell them to leave 
was amazing to me)...and not only that but many of the adults were also 
talking during the show. This is so disrespectful of the performers who have 
worked so hard, and it is also disrespectful of the audience members who are 
trying to enjoy the show. I was really enjoying the play, but it was hard 
given the distractions of the audience. I would really appreciate it if in 
the future the audience could be told (apparently they need to be told) that 
in addition to no cell phones, there is NO TALKING during the show and could 
people with small children sit in the back and TAKE THEM OUT the minute they 
start talking, crying, etc. Perhaps a babysitting service could be made 
available for a fee??

You guys did a fabulous job of writing something new and topical, and did a 
great job of acting/directing/producing it. I look forward to attending 
future performances. Keep up the great work!!
Best wishes,

Feedback 2

Here's a few more comments I didn't have a chance to put down yesterday. 
I think that since I am not an immigrant myself (and also not a Bengali!) 
I can look at this play somewhat objectively but also with sympathy for 
the characters.
- The perceptions of life "here" vs "there" were very well done--in the 
  case of Niloy's wife and neighbor....there could have been more 
  conversations in that vein (on both ends) since it is central to the main 
- I thought the phone conversation dialogues were excellent--right on.
- The theme of husband/wife relationships in the context of "here" vs
  "there" was off to a really good start, but didn't go too far.
- the theme of friendship and who your real friends/support are....the
  party scene was excellent. I especially liked when Partha comes back and looks
  in on the scene of all the friends laughing after Nikhil/Nandini have
  left....but I expected something more afterwards (like Partha turning out
  to be a "true" friend" or something....)
- who is Nikhil BEFORE the crisis?? We don't really know his feelings,
  hopes, aspirations for why he wants to live all of these
  negative feelings that he shows after the crisis just SUDDENLY come 
  up or were they there all along? Especially how he treats his wife--he 
  didn't seem like the type, but I guess a crisis could make someone act like 
  that.....the change in Nikhil is very dramatic (and gives shape to the play 
  and propels it forward) but I wonder...behaving rashly and then suddenly 
  changing his mind at the end when the crisis this how any of 
  us would act? I guess the point of the play is for us to ask these 
  questions! I'm also guessing that exaggerating some of his reactions (ie 
  his extreme behavior in response to the crisis) is just to show us how 
  one incident can make us reflect on everything in our lives.
- I thought the crisis itself and the ending of the play were
  excellent....  enough tension to move things forward....and keep us 
  in suspense! Ok, well enough ramblings for now.